02-12-25 Orlando Branch - Unleash Your Creative Power: Improv for Film & TV

  • 02/12/2025
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Oviedo Mall - Parking by the Oviedo brewing side go in the mall take a left or immediately on the left after Paul Mitchell school.


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:"Unleash Your Creative Power: Improv for Film and Television"

Objective: Empower participants to enhance their confidence, spontaneity, and creativity through improv techniques. This class will be tailored for filmmakers, actors, and TV professionals to develop skills that enhance their craft and collaboration on set.

Meeting Place:

Studio Lot Orlando

1210 Oviedo Mall Blvd.

Oviedo, FL 32765

That address will put you in front of the blue awning to the right of Oviedo brewing. Go under awning go in mall take a right pass imagine theatre and dance we are right after on right.



6:00pm - 8:00pm

REGISTER https://womeninfilmfl.org/event-6046104

Free attendance to WIFT-FL Members,

$10 for non-members

WIFT-Florida  4378 Sea Rock Court, Apopka FL 32712

©2018 Women in Film & Television Florida

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