WIFT -Wheel and Deal-

  • 08/31/2016
  • 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Hooch and Shine, 25 Wall St, Orlando, FL 32801


  • $15 to non-members

    This is to participate in the 5 minute pitch with multiple hiring companies in a Speed Networking format.
    7 PM- 9 PM- Open Networking til 10 Pm

    We are opening the interviews to WIFT MEMBERS FIRST and then opening up to the public (only 20 slots per company). Once you register there, you will be sent an online form to fill out.
  • $10 dollars for WIFT Members. Once you sign up you will get emailed a link to the companies hiring and be able to sign up for the Wheel and Deal

    This is to participate in the 5 minute pitch with multiple hiring companies in a Speed Networking format.
    7 PM- 9 PM- Open Networking til 10 Pm

Registration is closed

Hot off the Press! 

With this being our First Wheel and Deal Event, we want to make sure we have a Great turnout from Crew and Media for our Hiring Companies!  


WHEEL AND DEAL event details:

Wheel and Deal is a ‘speed networking’ event connecting entertainment industry professionals with employers looking to hire.

Location: Shine & Hooch on Wall Street in Downtown Orlando 

Date/Time: August 31st, 6:30pm-10:00pm

Doors open at 6:30pm - Interviews/Speed Networking starts promptly at 7:00pm

$10 dollars for WIFT Members 

$15 to non-members

$20 drink bracelets- unlimited house wine and domestic beers from 7pm-10pm

How it works: Register for a time-slot to meet with the companies listed below using this link: http://womeninfilmfl.org/event-2273181 The Wheel and Deal will take place for two hours, allowing each company to visit with 20 total participants in 5 minute individual meetings. Enjoy open networking in the adjacent venue before and after your interviews. 

Only want to talk to one company or you just want to mingle? Perfect! We have two adjoined bars, one dedicated to speed networking and the other open for general admission! For those of you in-between interviews, or for industry professionals just joining us to make valuable connections, the format works for you, too.  Every time you hear the signal, it is your time to move on from the conversation you are having and find someone new to connect with. 
When speed networking ends at 9pm, you will have an additional hour to make a few more connections and tie up loose ends as both venues will open up for general networking.

We are opening the interviews to WIFT MEMBERS FIRST and then opening up to the public (only 20 slots per company). Once you register there, you will be sent an online form to fill out.

Registration LINK -   http://womeninfilmfl.org/event-2273181

RECRUITING COMPANIES *every listing is a paid position, amount varies based on job description and experience.

SUNSHINE GARDEN INDUSTRIES- Hiring film and television Writers, Producers and Directors.

NBMC- Hiring All Crew- will be shooting Hallmark Movies in Florida next year!

48 CREATIVE- Hiring freelance marketing/sales representatives.

GEMINI FEATURE FILM- Crewing up- Pre and Post Production Crew for feature film shooting in February in Florida!

APPLE ONE- Hiring Digital Designer, Web Producer and Copy Writer.

If you know of a company who may be hiring within the entertainment industry, let us know! Sign up using the link: http://womeninfilmfl.org/event-2273181

WIFT-FL is partnering with Film Florida and ProductionHUB to bring this incredible event to life. We welcome additional support in the form of sponsorship or donations.WIFT-FL is a 501C3 non profit organization, donations are tax deductible and proceeds raised from this event will go to our scholarship fund.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly if you have any questions: nancy@womeninfilmfl.org

Thank you for your participation and we look forward to seeing you at the event!

WIFT-Florida  P.O. Box 533541 Orlando, FL 32853-3541

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